When I was in Peru a few years ago, staying at Casa de Milagros and leading a yoga retreat there, we were able to have most of our meals made, at least in part, from the organically grown and very beautiful fruits and vegetables that Mama Kia grows in her garden. One such Peruvian jewel: […]
Read the rest of "Monster Mash: One-Eyed-One-Horned-Flying-Purple-People-Eater Potatoes"…Archive: October 2008

Allow me to introduce you to Anchorage Alaskan ladies Mama Alison and her daughter and mini-chef, Meredith. Alison runs and owns Rise and Shine Bakery with her husband, Dan, where they bake gorgeous sourdough breads. You can see them hanging out at the Farmers Market in the warmer days, and cozying up in an Anchorage […]
Read the rest of "Guest Bloggers Meredith and Alison Make Graham Cracker Cut-Outs"…My fellow Yummy Mummy and dear friend, Sonia, in the full throes of labor on Wednesday afternoon, called in a special request. At her son’s preschool, Snack Day is like a high holy day for the kid whose turn it is to bring in the goods. She wanted to make sure that the snack new […]
Read the rest of "TT’s Extra Special Apple Muffins (a.k.a. Apple Cupcakes)"…When I described that we were making “hand pies” yesterday in the beginning of class, there were quite a lot of confused faces and blank stares from the adults. As soon as we got down to business, however, the confusion melted away. “Oh, we’re making meat pies!” “Ohhhhhhhh, empanadas.” “Knishes!” Papa rellenas, calzones, […]
Read the rest of "Cooking Class: Little Pies with Turkey, Fennel, And Apples"…After swinging by the UES to pick up our beloved Aunt Sheri on Saturday morning, our family headed out to Rockland County to meet some friends. We had a date to go apple-picking at The Orchards of Conklin, just a hop, skip, and a jump from the City. The Delicious Daddio, my husband that is, did […]
Read the rest of "A Trio of Apple Butters"…