Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! Hope that your day was as filled with love and joy as ours… we’ve been very busy elves for the past week but have so much to share now, too.
Read the rest of "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"…Archive: December 2008

Little Turkey Leaf Pies Originally uploaded by RhubarbSky A few weeks back, blog writer and reader, Carrie, contacted me about doing a post using the filling from TYM’s Little Pies with Turkey, Fennel, and Apples. She and her daughter, Abby, were re-purposing their Thanksgiving leftovers- and making the pies into leaf shapes (genius!) for even […]
Read the rest of "Guest Bloggers Carrie and Abby make Little Turkey Leaf Pies"…Now that making mixed tapes is a lost art, I’m left to find other crafts, like recipe writing. My old friend Megan wrote me last week inquiring how she’d go about making a sweet potato cake that she used to order all the time at a restaurant in Greenville, South Carolina, The Brick Street Cafe. […]
Read the rest of "Megan’s Sweet Potato Cupcakes with Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting"…We love us the sweet stuff over here, but it’s all about balancing healthful meals with the treats. I have to tell you that when my friend Alison, author of the blog Alison’s Lunch that will surely have you salivating, offered to do a salad post with her mini-chef Meredith, my whole body gave a […]
Read the rest of "Guest Bloggers Meredith and Alison Make Green Salad with Pears, Fennel, and Pear Vinaigrette"…When it comes to preschoolers-or come to think of it, people in general-it seems like you can never have enough muffins around. In our home, we make muffins weekly, using up leftovers and packing whole grains, seeds, and nuts into little packages that our children gobble down. Most of the time, if it’s in a […]
Read the rest of "Treat Week Day 4: Peek-A-Boo Chutney Muffins"…