For this week’s corner view, we were supposed to give a little peek into the Great Outdoors around our ‘hood. It pretty much poured all of last week, but there was a break on Saturday. We hit the park for some playtime and sped around town on our scooters to the annual planting in Duane Park, the tiny little park on one of the most stunning blocks in New York City.
caitlin, joyce, ani, couturecoucou, kim, a day that is dessert, natsumi,epe, kaylovesvintage, trinsch, c.t.,jeannette, outi, schanett, ritva,dongdong, francesca, state of bliss, jennifer, dana, denise, cabrizette,bohemia girl, ruth, dianna, isabelle, amber, a girl in the yellow shoes,mister e, janis, kari, jgy, jenna, skymring, elizabeth, audrey, allison,lise, cate, mon, victoria, crescent moon, erin, otli, amy, ida, caroline,lisa, dorte, kimmie, la lune dans le ciel, nicola, malo, vanessa, britta,virgina, april, rebecca, b
sunnymama, kyndale, samantha, karen, kristina, angelina