Fall is finally showing itself here in New York. This morning we all wanted to stay in bed, under the covers, just a little bit longer. While the days are still warm and wonderful, golden, in the mornings the chill is starting to seep in. Snuggling weather is upon us, and when it is, we […]
Read the rest of "Breakfast Quinoa with Plum-Nectarine Compote"…Archive: September 2009
In educating our mini-chefs how to cook, taste, and eat good food, we also need to teach them how and where to shop for good food. Let’s get them going on street level. One of my most favorite places to shop and to get inspired by what is fresh and healthy is the green market, […]
Read the rest of "Zucchini Pancakes and a Field Trip to the Greenmarket"…
As a New Yorker, working from home, living in a great neighborhood, and using the subway with abandon, I am hardly ever in a car. So, now I will have to cheat a little bit (you won’t mind, will you?) and show you what we all saw one day last month when we were in […]
Read the rest of "Corner View: Out of the Car Window"…One dank morning this week, the kids and I popped into Bouley Bakery for croissants and coffee. While we were there a new offering caught my eye. There were cinnamon sugar apples, arranged in the French style, half moons, this way then that. Sort of the tarte tatin without the puff pastry. Lately, since there […]
Read the rest of "Honeyed Baked Apple Stacks"…Oh, bittersweet September. We are squeezing in all the outside time we can before it is too late. The “Schoolie-G’s”-as my middle brother calls them-head out into the word. And, of course, a new fabulous Fall wardrobe (pictured, in progress, Oliver + S’s new Jump Rope Dress) means that Mama practices her sewing meditation late […]
Read the rest of "Corner View: September"…