Let me introduce you to Tribeca Yummy Mummy’s new sponsor, Mamatini, a company run and owned by our friend Erica Duigan Minnihan and her pediatrician mama, Dr. Ifeoma Ikenze. Mamatini makes and delivers teas packed with good things, like chamomile and ginger, for breast feeding mamas. Its benefits include helping milk production (having had some […]
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Our little cousin Eve has a sweet disposition and huge, curious, and bright blue eyes. Since her first birthday will be here in no time, I decided to whip up a special birthday present for her, the Flower Girl Dress from Heather Ross’s Weekend Sewing. While this pattern has major errata, mostly detailed on Heather […]
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Sometimes inspiration comes in a flash. You see something fabulous. Something that makes you go hmmmmm. And you just have to bring it into your world. What did you get in your magic bubble? Check these out: jane, ladybug-zen, ian, bonnie, esti, sophie, cele, modsquad, caitlin, joyce, ani, kim, natsumi, epe, kaylovesvintage, trinsch, c.t., jeannette, […]
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Usually when I ask the mini-chefs what they would like to make over the course of a semester, I get answers like cupcakes, chocolate, cookies, etc., but when I asked my mixed ages class, one student piped up with another answer entirely: meatloaf. He not only requested it then; he kept asking for it each […]
Read the rest of "A’s Special Meatloaf with Veggies Galore"…

Our little bunnies did some last minute egg dying yesterday afternoon using amazing natural dyes. In the early afternoon, I get to sneak around hiding eggs for the kids to find during our annual apartment egg hunt. Meanwhile, the children have been up since 4:30 in the morning asking when the egg hunt will be […]
Read the rest of "Happy Easter!"…