In rain, shine, or even a blizzard, we love to visit our beautiful Mermaid. She is always there, ready with a hug or an armful of snow. To see other favorite statues and fountains around the world, check out these Corner Views: jane, ladybug-zen, ian, bonnie, esti, sophie, cele, modsquad, caitlin, joyce, ani, kim, natsumi, […]
Read the rest of "Our Mermaid"…Archive: May 2010

Hello, Yummies! How was your weekend? Did you spoil your mommy properly and get spoiled yourself? One of my presents yesterday came from my daughter who had asked Daddio to take her to Purl’s new store on Broome Street to shop. Apparently, she had big plans for this Mother’s Day. Mira informed my husband and […]
Read the rest of "Happy Belated Mother’s Day and Sample Sewing for Oliver + S"…Happy May, Yummies! Is ketchup a major part of your life? The mini-chefs, my own definitely included, love getting to dip. Most of all, they love to dip in ketchup. That heavenly, slightly sweet stuff has allowed kids who, at first, would not try what we were making that day take an eensy taste and […]
Read the rest of "Ketchup Makeover: Apple Ketchup for Meatless Monday"…