In her kindergarten class, my daughter and her friends are studying snails. They have become little experts on whorls (the swirl on a snail’s shell) and just about every other detail of snail living, and to celebrate, I got to spend an afternoon with them at school making a holiday take on lumace, snail pastries. […]
Read the rest of "Quick Christmas Morning Cinnamon Snails"…

One of the things that my mom taught me about having people over to dinner and especially for having a party is to make sure that everything is planned out. She never makes some new recipe for these occasions, but spends at least a week working out all the kinks before offering something to somebody […]
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Over the past few years, we have come to rely on our friends Jamie and Brad during the Jewish holidays. Their rendition of the Hannukah story? “Only enough oil for one night? Not enough oil? Oy!” Happy Hannukah, Everybody!
Read the rest of "Tribeca Hannukah Rager"…

When the mamas and the mini-chefs walked into our apartment this week, everyone looked a little exhausted. There was a cannon of coughs and sneezes and even yawns. It is the time of year when we get a little run down from too much partying, too many obligations (even when they are fun obligations), and […]
Read the rest of "Baked Pasta Shells in a Spinach and Chickpea Tomato Sauce (with dairy and dairy-free options)"…

Last night, as we finished our last TYM class of the semester, my daughter rehearsed for her first performance ever. My husband accompanied Mira for her chorus’s sound check and rehearsal in the downtown park. As soon as I could leave things to my assistant, my son and I rushed into a taxi. We headed […]
Read the rest of "Rain"…