Archive: January 2011

This weekend under a first wave of nesting power, my sewing closet got an overhaul. It was in shabby shape before with about fifteen projects that were started but never quite finished and a big mess of fabrics… being an addict is never pretty, is it? But. I did it: cleaned out and cleaned up. […]
Read the rest of "Oh, Nesting! Oliver + S Hopscotch Dress In City Weekend Interlock"…
About this time of year, when the world (at least in New York City) is a bit dark gray and dreary, we start to crave bright, pretty things. Things that will remind us that Spring and even Summer will come again one day. This is usually the time I head to the frozen food aisle […]
Read the rest of "Raspberry Almond Muffins"…
Almost two thirds of the way into this third pregnancy, one thing is clear. We are in control of so little. I am in control of so little. Most days the only thing I can do is sit back and watch the magic unfold and try not to completely hinder the process. “From wonder into […]
Read the rest of "Organic Form"…
Look at who has a wiggly tooth! Consider these the “Before” shots.
Read the rest of "We Have the Tooth Fairy on Speed Dial…."…