Archive: July 2011

Matching Modkid Ava Dresses

31 July 2011

Our Mira just turned 6, and in holding with a tradition that we have kept for the past three years, she got to go up to Purl and pick out the fabric for her birthday dress.  Smart cookie that she is, she headed straight over to the Liberty prints, commenting, “Well, it IS for my […]

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This Moment: Story Time

29 July 2011

This Moment.  A single moment from our week that we want to celebrate and remember!  A la Soule Mama. Happy Weekend, Yummistos!

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27 July 2011

Sean has loaded up the Baby Bjorn and gone out for an early morning walk with both of the girls as babies.  Liev had late walks with the sun going down.  He saw the concerts in Battery Park City and people drinking beer in the outdoor cafes along the water, and people lounging on the grass. […]

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This Moment: Relief

22 July 2011

(Joining in with Soule Mama for This Moment, a Friday ritual.) Happy Weekend, Yummies!

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Through a Child’s Eyes

20 July 2011

Oh!  For just one day to see the world as Liev sees it! Take a tour through these other Corner Views led by Francesca and originated by the fabulous Jane of Spain: jane – ian – joyce – francesca – kasia –isabelle – janis – kari – jgy – lise – cate –otli – dorte – ali – sunnymama – daan –ibb – kelleyn – ninja– theresa – cherry b – cole – lucylaine […]

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