There have been so many memorable moments this week that it was difficult to choose just one. Here it is: This moment. Joining in with the Soule Mama tribe. Have a gorgeous weekend, Yummies!
Read the rest of "This Moment: Hammock Girls"…There have been so many memorable moments this week that it was difficult to choose just one. Here it is: This moment. Joining in with the Soule Mama tribe. Have a gorgeous weekend, Yummies!
Read the rest of "This Moment: Hammock Girls"…This Moment… a moment from our week that we loved and want to share and remember. Oh, Yummies, from the moment we stepped into this state, we have been so much more relaxed. How is it that I have no idea just how tired I am till I get away? It’s so lushly green and […]
Read the rest of "This Moment: Flying High in Vermont"…Have you ever tasted a maple creamee? It’s a tiny taste of heaven! Check out these other teensy, tiny Corner Views: jane – ian – joyce – francesca – kasia –isabelle – janis – kari – jgy – lise – cate –otli – dorte – ali– sunnymama – daan –ibb– kelleyn– ninja– theresa – cherry b – cole – lucylaine – skywriting– anna– rosamaría – tikjewit – juniper –valerie – mlle paradis– wander chow–don –flowtops – susanna– tania –kristin
Read the rest of "tiny"…This Moment… just one of the many moments from this week that I want to savor. Via Soule Mama. Happy Friday! Hope you get many giggles in this weekend!
Read the rest of "This Moment: Giggles"…At the end of this month, I will celebrate my 15th year here in New York City, the place that we call home. Though I spent more time in Georgia, where I grew up, New York has, at least after the initial hazing period, felt more like home to me than anywhere else. Sometimes my […]
Read the rest of "Homeplace"…