Happy May Day! And, guess what is coming up in just 4 days? Cinco de Mayo! We made these yummy burritos in class to celebrate. It seems like a lot of steps, but these are really very easy to throw together. You could, of course, use a rotisserie chicken, squeezing the lime over it, instead […]
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A few weeks ago Mira made a request. She wanted a dress that was really cool. Her words, not mine. Her look isn’t rock star in general since she doesn’t really gravitate toward those things, so I focused on mod instead while trying to keep her looking like the little girl she is. The Sunki […]
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One! Already. Happy Birthday to you, Little Love!
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When Gigi turned about 7 months and grew out of her co-sleeper, she needed a crib set for herself. Her little crib, inherited from her sister and her brother, was bare. All of the sheets and comforters that we used to have had been given away. Her was a blank canvas just waiting for something […]
Read the rest of "Genevieve’s Crib Set a la Amy Butler and Brett Bara"…

(Not Pictured: The very proud Mama and Daddio who were jumping up and down with joy!) Happiest Weekend to you!
Read the rest of "This Moment: First Steps"…