During each cooking class semester, we make one dessert, and the mini-chefs let it be known that they wanted that dessert to be cake this semester. In a rather bleak part of this year’s frigid March, we were all craving sunshine. Around the same time on Facebook, a friend was having her birthday and was […]
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For our last cooking class of the year a few weeks ago, we threw a smoothie party. My own children have shown me and my students have reiterated that you can add a bunch of very healthful things to a smoothie, add just the right amount of things they love, and they will slurp it […]
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About this time of year, when the world (at least in New York City) is a bit dark gray and dreary, we start to crave bright, pretty things. Things that will remind us that Spring and even Summer will come again one day. This is usually the time I head to the frozen food aisle […]
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One of our youngest (participating) mini-chefs, F, recently had her 2nd birthday, and we wanted to celebrate her in style. Because Miss F deserves something super fancy pants for her big day, my morning class put together some cupcakes, frosted the palest pink and topped with edible flowers. If you stroll out to your greenmarket […]
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Because of the many sore throats around here of late, we have been drinking lots of smoothies even in the middle of swirling snow and blustery winds. When we make smoothies, we like to pack a punch in the nutrition department while we are at it with protein, potassium, omega-3’s and antioxidants. The “jelly” is […]
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