In cooking class this week, we began celebrating St. Patrick’s day a little early. Because we were also making Irish Soda Bread, the recipe for which we will share in another post, we needed something fresh and GREEN to balance out our meal. Enter The Green Smoothie. We like drinking our greens, but we prefer […]
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For our last cooking class of the year a few weeks ago, we threw a smoothie party. My own children have shown me and my students have reiterated that you can add a bunch of very healthful things to a smoothie, add just the right amount of things they love, and they will slurp it […]
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In the South, where I grew up, iced tea- sweet tea- is literally imbibed like water. While we hardly ever put sweetener in our tea around here, there are times when I miss that almost cloyingly sugary drink of Georgia, served up by friends’ families and any restaurant you might find yourself. At our family […]
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Because of the many sore throats around here of late, we have been drinking lots of smoothies even in the middle of swirling snow and blustery winds. When we make smoothies, we like to pack a punch in the nutrition department while we are at it with protein, potassium, omega-3’s and antioxidants. The “jelly” is […]
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When my daughter was a young toddler and we were trying to introduce cow’s milk to her, she rebelled against it for weeks. Mira was an avid nurser, and cow’s milk was, well, just not up to snuff as far as she was concerned. One day, as I was walking with her and sipping an […]
Read the rest of "Mira’s Masala Chai with Ground Almonds"…