During each cooking class semester, we make one dessert, and the mini-chefs let it be known that they wanted that dessert to be cake this semester. In a rather bleak part of this year’s frigid March, we were all craving sunshine. Around the same time on Facebook, a friend was having her birthday and was […]
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One day when Mira was about 4 and Liev about 2 and keeping me busy, the phone rang while I was melting the butter for this recipe. Someone was asking for a phone number or a play date, etc., and I left the kitchen for a couple of minutes to attend to the request. When […]
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Back in April, a couple of days after we had moved into our new place, a mysterious box came in the mail for me one day. It had my new address, which even my own parents did not have yet, and two copies of a retro-red covered cookbook inside. No note. No card. Since my […]
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We had a big event over the weekend… our blogaversary. One year ago, Mira and I sat down to make one of our most requested recipes-the chocolate chip zucchini muffin, and this blog was born. I think some of my friends and family were relieved. They kept calling me to say that they had dreamed […]
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Birthdays complete with special cakes get celebrated nearly every day in our home. My daughter naturally mothers all of her toys from her “kids” (assorted baby dolls) to her animals (this category ranges from a very large stuffed dinosaur to a Lego with a shoestring tied to it that she says is her dog on […]
Read the rest of "Real Carrot Cake with Maple Vanilla-Cream Cheese Frosting"…