Category: Snacks

Ketchup Makeover: Apple Ketchup for Meatless Monday

03 May 2010

Happy May, Yummies! Is ketchup a major part of your life? The mini-chefs, my own definitely included, love getting to dip. Most of all, they love to dip in ketchup. That heavenly, slightly sweet stuff has allowed kids who, at first, would not try what we were making that day take an eensy taste and […]

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Tamales with Greens and Queso Blanco

22 March 2010

My class of 3 year-olds is probably my most adventurous class in the taste department. Week after week, even when we push the envelope and make dishes that some kids would not come near with a ten foot pole, they happily sit down and eat together, with not a word about it being gross. Even […]

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Black Bean and Sweet Potato Hummus Faces

26 February 2010

One of my students found out that we had made black bean and sweet potato hummus in another class, and he began a campaign with both me and his own mom to ensure that his class got the chance to make the same dish. He happens to be a major hummus fan and wasn’t about […]

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Homemade Pita Chips with Flax Seed Oil

04 February 2010

A few weeks ago, Michael Pollan’s new(ish) book, Food Rules, caught my eye. When I grabbed it off the shelf and opened to a random page in a book filled with suggestions on how to eat better and healthier, it suggested to only eat the snacks and sweets that you make yourself. This has been […]

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Cooking Class: Calzone

20 March 2009

“Are the cow-zones, ready, Mama Cate?” the mini-chefs asked, peering into the oven.  Who could not love teaching this bunch of children week after week? Because, as I explained to the mini-chefs, calzone are sort of like a little pizza that you fold in half, they worked with great concentration and-as always-great abandon.  My mother-in-law, […]

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