Happy Spring, Yummies! After a beautiful, warm Friday here in NYC, our weekend got progressively colder, and today it’s a cold, dark world out there. Now it’s pouring, and it’s in the 30’s/40’s. After dropping my son off at his play group this morning and splashing my way home, I was soaked to the bone. […]
Read the rest of "Spinach Salad with Edamame, Smoked Tofu, Tamari Almonds, and Soy-Ginger Dressing"…

You’ve heard that saying, “Like white on rice”? Well, any time rice is incorporated in what we’re making in class, the mini-chefs are… like white on rice. NOM, NOM, NOM! They all love it. This past week, we made one of our favorite ingredients the star of the show in a main course dish. These […]
Read the rest of "Spinach Tofu Rice Balls Served in Cumin Tomato Sauce (Meatless Monday)"…

Our big cooking class is really beginning to find its groove. This strata has many (easy) steps, and the mini-chefs seemed to each have his or her role secured in bringing it together. The older ones helped the younger ones, and the younger ones generally smiled big smiles when they got their turn to do […]
Read the rest of "Swiss Chard and Cheddar Strata"…

Usually when I ask the mini-chefs what they would like to make over the course of a semester, I get answers like cupcakes, chocolate, cookies, etc., but when I asked my mixed ages class, one student piped up with another answer entirely: meatloaf. He not only requested it then; he kept asking for it each […]
Read the rest of "A’s Special Meatloaf with Veggies Galore"…

My class of 3 year-olds is probably my most adventurous class in the taste department. Week after week, even when we push the envelope and make dishes that some kids would not come near with a ten foot pole, they happily sit down and eat together, with not a word about it being gross. Even […]
Read the rest of "Tamales with Greens and Queso Blanco"…