A few weeks back at my niece’s birthday party, the caterer served what I would describe as Asian burritos: rice paper filled with shredded carrots and beets and left sort of open-face. The taste and look were really fresh and delicious, but the ingredients kept spilling out everywhere. When we began our cooking mini-session for […]
Read the rest of "Summer Rolls with Carrot, Green Apple, and Beet"…Category: beet
Some old friends, mamas themselves now, were discussing the Sneaky Chef and the Deceptive Chef– or whatever Mrs. Seinfeld calls herself-on Facebook. They were wondering which foods were the best, whether to disguise things at all, etc. Somehow, Tribeca Yummy Mummy was very kindly mentioned. Without evoking too much hoopla over food philosophy, my response […]
Read the rest of "Beet Salad with Yogurt Panna Cotta"…Now that you’ve eaten your huge feast and most of your leftovers, are you ready for a little something to make with your Yummy? Here’s a recipe for weekend brunching that is healthful, fun, and colorful. Try substitutes here as you like: carrots, zucchini, regular potatoes, parsnips, apples, pears, different spices, and any other things […]
Read the rest of "Peace and Love Latke"…