At the beginning of every semester, both the Yummies and the Mummies (and Dads) get asked what things they want to learn how to cook during the session. Invariably, the children say, “Chocolate cupcakes” (and goodness, who doesn’t want to bake those), and the adults say that they would like to learn how to make […]
Read the rest of "Smoked Mozzarella and Tomato Jam Frittata"…Category: Ingredient
Little pumpkin faces are beginning to emerge everywhere in the City. My children shriek with glee, “Look, Mama! A jack-o-lantern! It’s spooooooooooooky!” When I see those jack-o-lanterns, I start thinking of all the pumpkin baked goods we’ll be delving into over the next few months. Scones, muffins, Fall lasagna, pump-chip cookies and, of course, our […]
Read the rest of "Pumpkin Pancakes"…Back in April, a couple of days after we had moved into our new place, a mysterious box came in the mail for me one day. It had my new address, which even my own parents did not have yet, and two copies of a retro-red covered cookbook inside. No note. No card. Since my […]
Read the rest of "Applesauce Cake and ANOTHER Giveaway"…This past week, the clitter clatter of lots of little feet returned to the Tribeca Yummy Mummy kitchen. For our first official cooking class of the school year, we broke out the seasonal foods, including some acorn squash that the kids picked out on their field trip to the greenmarket. We scooped out the seeds, […]
Read the rest of "Acorn Squash Cups Filled with Pomegranate Rice Pilaf"…Fall in New York City brings the visitors and the dinner guests, the students and the indoor play dates. We all begin to turn more to indoor activities, and our home comes alive with even more activity than in the warmer months. With this healthy parade of guests, we find special dishes that our family […]
Read the rest of "Vanilla Panna Cotta with Pomegranate Seeds (and a belated Corner View: White)"…