Over the weekend, two of the mamas of mini-chefs in my class sent me an email about ricotta, their love for it, and a recipe they had seen on Gwenyth Paltrow’s blog, GOOP. Gwenyth had been a guest at Ina Garten’s, a.k.a. the Barefoot Contessa, home to sample a couple of the recipes from the […]
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Spooky Yummies, have a wonderful night tonight, trick-or-treating around your neighborhood! And please don’t throw that Jack-o-lantern away tomorrow… roast that bad boy at 400 F in an oven till the flesh is soft. Scoop the flesh away from the skin, and puree it till smooth. So that your pumpkin may have a life and […]
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Every year when the pumpkins are lined up at the greenmarket, ready to take home and carve or roast, we get excited by all the recipe possibilities. Pumpkin, for all its popularity on Halloween and in Thanksgiving pies, has a season that extends well beyond November. For these sandwich cookies, we wanted to have simple […]
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While we are finishing up our Halloween preparations, we need a little fortifying food to eat. Something substantial and seasonal but snacky, too. This apple pancake, assembled quickly and into the oven lickety split fits the bill. For cooking class, we used local Gala and Roma apples, not to sweet and not too tart, and […]
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Last winter when we created a kid-friendly chicken tagine in class, a few of the vegetarian parents asked how they could make the dish without the addition of meat. While vegetarian cooking does take more thought for flavor development and, at times, more creativity to bring up the protein level to make it healthful for […]
Read the rest of "Fall/Winter Vegetable Tagine with Cous-Cous"…