In cooking class this week, we began celebrating St. Patrick’s day a little early. Because we were also making Irish Soda Bread, the recipe for which we will share in another post, we needed something fresh and GREEN to balance out our meal. Enter The Green Smoothie. We like drinking our greens, but we prefer […]
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For our last cooking class of the year a few weeks ago, we threw a smoothie party. My own children have shown me and my students have reiterated that you can add a bunch of very healthful things to a smoothie, add just the right amount of things they love, and they will slurp it […]
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The park is where it’s at right now. Yesterday, for instance, we spent four and a half hours outside running around our local park, rolling on the grass, digging intricate cakes and castles in the sand, chattering with our friends, dancing through the sprinklers, and soaking up summertime. The thing is, blush, we ended up […]
Read the rest of "Meatless Monday a Little Early: Cumin Carrot and Cucumber Mint Raita Wrap"…

Fall in New York City brings the visitors and the dinner guests, the students and the indoor play dates. We all begin to turn more to indoor activities, and our home comes alive with even more activity than in the warmer months. With this healthy parade of guests, we find special dishes that our family […]
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Some old friends, mamas themselves now, were discussing the Sneaky Chef and the Deceptive Chef– or whatever Mrs. Seinfeld calls herself-on Facebook. They were wondering which foods were the best, whether to disguise things at all, etc. Somehow, Tribeca Yummy Mummy was very kindly mentioned. Without evoking too much hoopla over food philosophy, my response […]
Read the rest of "Beet Salad with Yogurt Panna Cotta"…