Category: lunchbox

Jack-o-lantern Quesadillas and Happy Halloween!!!

31 October 2009

Happy Halloween, Little Goblins and Ghouls! We wanted to share this easy crafty quesadilla recipe that we did in cooking class the other day. This is not so much of a recipe as an inspiration. For our quesadillas, we used sweet potato puree (though, in a pinch, canned pumpkin puree would work, too), shredded Monterey […]

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Acorn Squash Cups Filled with Pomegranate Rice Pilaf

09 October 2009

This past week, the clitter clatter of lots of little feet returned to the Tribeca Yummy Mummy kitchen. For our first official cooking class of the school year, we broke out the seasonal foods, including some acorn squash that the kids picked out on their field trip to the greenmarket. We scooped out the seeds, […]

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Zucchini Pancakes and a Field Trip to the Greenmarket

25 September 2009

In educating our mini-chefs how to cook, taste, and eat good food, we also need to teach them how and where to shop for good food. Let’s get them going on street level. One of my most favorite places to shop and to get inspired by what is fresh and healthy is the green market, […]

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Cranberry Beans Baked in Tomato

11 September 2009

It’s another 9/11 here in New York City. Every year this day rolls around, the crazy quiet and the horrific smells and sights of that day are felt all over again. I hold my husband and my children a little closer and inwardly fall on my knees. All of this leads me to making comfort […]

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In the Lunchbox: Brie and Balsamic Strawberry Sandwich

20 August 2009

For a few months during my sophomore year at NYU, I lived with a friend of the family, a single mom at the time who had a very demanding full-time job and was raising a two-year-old, S.. On the weekends and at night, I filled in when S’s nanny went home and her mom needed […]

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