Liev, former owner of gigantic adenoids and even huger tonsils, had surgery to remove both this week and is now, thankfully, on the mend. He was super brave and, despite a bit of fear as he was coming off the anesthesia, he handles it better than most adults might have. This week has left both […]
Read the rest of "Recovery (and Parmesan Mashed Potatoes)"…

You’ve heard that saying, “Like white on rice”? Well, any time rice is incorporated in what we’re making in class, the mini-chefs are… like white on rice. NOM, NOM, NOM! They all love it. This past week, we made one of our favorite ingredients the star of the show in a main course dish. These […]
Read the rest of "Spinach Tofu Rice Balls Served in Cumin Tomato Sauce (Meatless Monday)"…

Happy New Year, Yummies! When we left New York City a couple of weeks ago to go visit my family in California, I planned on just taking a few days’ break from blogging. It seems that I was more exhausted than I even knew. The beginning of this pregnancy, with its extreme nausea, had taken […]
Read the rest of "Sweet Potato Biscuits"…

When the mamas and the mini-chefs walked into our apartment this week, everyone looked a little exhausted. There was a cannon of coughs and sneezes and even yawns. It is the time of year when we get a little run down from too much partying, too many obligations (even when they are fun obligations), and […]
Read the rest of "Baked Pasta Shells in a Spinach and Chickpea Tomato Sauce (with dairy and dairy-free options)"…

Our big cooking class is really beginning to find its groove. This strata has many (easy) steps, and the mini-chefs seemed to each have his or her role secured in bringing it together. The older ones helped the younger ones, and the younger ones generally smiled big smiles when they got their turn to do […]
Read the rest of "Swiss Chard and Cheddar Strata"…