A few weeks back, my older daughter came to me saying she would like to try salad. Trying not to show my surprise, I told her that I could probably hook her up with some salad seeing as we have one several times a week around our place. My son loves salad and eats them […]
Read the rest of "Wedge Salad with Homemade Buttermilk Ranch Dressing"…

When the mamas and the mini-chefs walked into our apartment this week, everyone looked a little exhausted. There was a cannon of coughs and sneezes and even yawns. It is the time of year when we get a little run down from too much partying, too many obligations (even when they are fun obligations), and […]
Read the rest of "Baked Pasta Shells in a Spinach and Chickpea Tomato Sauce (with dairy and dairy-free options)"…

A couple of years ago, a friend from Zimbabwe mentioned that they love to eat peanut butter and pumpkin there ground together in a sort of mush or puree. Loving both of those ingredients, I kept the idea of that mixture in my back pocket until this Fall. Peanut butter, while maligned now, was one […]
Read the rest of "Soba Noodles with a Peanut Sauce and Roasted Butternut Squash"…

Hello, Everyone! Hello, 2010! What a transition it has been, being back in New York City, back to school, back to the freezing, Wintery weather and the many layers of clothing that life here in January requires. Not to mention the unpacking, attempt at reorganization, and, for the kids, getting used to life without the […]
Read the rest of "Winter Vegetable Tomato Sauce"…