In cooking class, we are always trying to walk that fine line between making something with a good shot of being eaten by the mini-chefs, especially the two year olds who have often sworn off most foods, and being adventuresome. Harira, a Morrocan tomato and chickpea dish, straddles both worlds. On the one hand […]
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The Yummies returneth! And, they came to make a magical noodle soup. When Mira was six months old, I went over to visit my sister-in-law who lived on the Upper East Side with a very picky little guy, my nephew, who wouldn’t eat anything hardly. One thing he did love was chicken soup, and my […]
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You know how some women would see that their youngest was nearing 6 months of age and sign themselves up to run a marathon. They will train and run the extra pregnant and nursing weight off, and you’ll see them a few months later high fiving their baby at the finish line? Yeah, so not […]
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This time of year sometimes feels like a sad love story. It is still strongly summertime, the time for warmth and abandon, but you know that Fall, taskmaster, is knocking at the door with its obligations, patiently waiting to escort you toward the desolation of winter. I know. I know. It’s still the beginning of […]
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Our family arrived back late Wednesday night from Cayman, where my husband was speaking at Engage! 09 and where the kids and I were engaging in some serious sunshine and swimming. Imagine how shocking it was to find that it still raining after a full week away from the City. In the morning, though, a stream of […]
Read the rest of "Cooking Class: Cucumber Gazpacho"…