Category: Gluten-free

Cooking Class: Meat and Veg (Roasting 101)

19 February 2009

Our Yummy Mummy classes got down to serious business a couple of weeks ago when we learned how to prepare meat and vegetables to be roasted.  The Yummies tucked garlic and sprigs of fragrant rosemary and shallots into the pan among the seasonal vegetables and a whole chicken breast.  We sprinkled in a dry rub […]

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Guest Bloggers Abigail and Matthew make Oyako Donburi

12 February 2009

My little brother, who is 6 feet 8 inches tall in his sock feet, lived in Tokyo for several years and has given me a door into a world that I might have known nothing about.  He lived in a teensy tiny apartment and described his daily life and the richness, if not in space, […]

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Beet Salad with Yogurt Panna Cotta

04 February 2009

Some old friends, mamas themselves now, were discussing the Sneaky Chef and the Deceptive Chef–  or whatever Mrs. Seinfeld calls herself-on Facebook. They were  wondering which foods were the best, whether to disguise things at all, etc.   Somehow, Tribeca Yummy Mummy was very kindly mentioned.   Without evoking too much hoopla over food philosophy, my response  […]

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Cranberry Curd

28 January 2009

When I read the words “cranberry curd” in an email from my sister-in-law Elizabeth, I thought, “Ohhhhhhhh.  Genius.”  She is, of course, genius, and she and I share of passion for curds.  Yes, it’s a horrible little word for something so delicious that it knocks even chocolate out for my all time favorite dessert substance. […]

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Cloud Soup (a.k.a. Potato-Leek)

22 January 2009

Back when I was twenty-one and living in my first post-college apartment over in the East Village, I had 3 lovely roommates. Two of whom were burgeoning foodies. On a cold evening in late March, one roommate brought home a big bunch of leeks and a bag of russet potatoes. She knocked on my door […]

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