Category: Type of Dish

Dumplings Part Two: Sesame Spinach Dumplings

09 November 2009

One of my students called these tasty little bites, “ducklings” instead of dumplings the other day. It is easy to see a connection. They are small, cute, and you want to have them around you. Our vegetarian version, made with sesame and spinach, packs in a lot of flavor and vitamins. In general, I hear […]

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Dumplings Part One: Pork Dumplings

06 November 2009

Dumplings are a family affair, a community affair. Like ravioli, samosas, or tamales, they are easier made with and consumed by a crowd. In this case, a crowd of mini-chefs and mums assembled the many dumplings. Quicker than it took to make them, we gobbled them up. The most frequent comment that I heard about […]

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Hairy Eyeballs (a.k.a. Vegan Chocolate Brownies Bites

30 October 2009

These vegan brownie bites are a clear example of how the way in which you describe a food affecting the way a food is received. Some of you maybe thinking, “Vegan brownies?” Yick. Go further: Raw brownies? How does that sound? Maybe yum, maybe not so much. If you tell your kids that these are […]

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Smoked Mozzarella and Tomato Jam Frittata

27 October 2009

At the beginning of every semester, both the Yummies and the Mummies (and Dads) get asked what things they want to learn how to cook during the session. Invariably, the children say, “Chocolate cupcakes” (and goodness, who doesn’t want to bake those), and the adults say that they would like to learn how to make […]

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Pumpkin Pancakes

19 October 2009

Little pumpkin faces are beginning to emerge everywhere in the City. My children shriek with glee, “Look, Mama! A jack-o-lantern! It’s spooooooooooooky!” When I see those jack-o-lanterns, I start thinking of all the pumpkin baked goods we’ll be delving into over the next few months. Scones, muffins, Fall lasagna, pump-chip cookies and, of course, our […]

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