On Saturday morning I rolled my Igloo cooler and all the Yummy Mummy accessories needed to make tomato jam at the green market on Greenwich Street. The wind and the rain were blowing sideways, and a thought came to mind: Well who will come out in this? I got my answer and how. Lots and […]
Read the rest of "Tomato Jam"…Category: Type of Dish
It’s another 9/11 here in New York City. Every year this day rolls around, the crazy quiet and the horrific smells and sights of that day are felt all over again. I hold my husband and my children a little closer and inwardly fall on my knees. All of this leads me to making comfort […]
Read the rest of "Cranberry Beans Baked in Tomato"…If you have, like we do, an abundance of zucchini and summer squash right now, you are probably picking it from your garden or buying it at your greenmarket or grocery store and likely do not know exactly what to do with it all. Even in New York City, at our fancy neighborhood grocery store, […]
Read the rest of "Zucchini and Summer Squash with Basil"…In our family, my husband is the French toast maker. His technique is genius and even his French toast made with sprouted bread tastes fantastic. In a few weeks, I hope to share his recipe here, but for now, let me let you in on one of the secret ways that Mira, Liev, and I […]
Read the rest of "Cinnamon Toast Butter"…We just missed getting to meet Amy, who blogs over at The Roving Locavore, and her son, Jack, by a days since neither of us realized that we were here in Vermont at the very same time. To help soothe the disappointment, they offered to show you how to make the tart of the season, […]
Read the rest of "Guest Bloggers Amy and Jack Make Tomato Tart"…