Category: Type of Dish

Easy Peas-y Spring Soup

01 May 2009

Being able to get out to the park early and stay out most of the day is key right about now.  We love to spend our time luxuriating in the sunshine, sliding and running and bicycling around our neighborhood.  That doesn’t leave much time for elaborate recipes. To maximize our time, we threw together this […]

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Light and Fluffy Egg-less Cornbread

24 April 2009

My Southern friends will roll their eyes.  My Southern ancestors will roll in their graves, but this cornbread is, well, worth breaking the rules.  You see in the South, adding even a dash of sugar to your cornbread is considered an offense and presents you, clear as day, as a Yankee.  If they have good […]

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Fishies In Parchment

17 April 2009

This week the cooking class came home for the first time ever. What a tremendous relief to have all the mini-chefs in our kitchen here, instead of lugging everything across town as I’ve done for the past almost-two years! As wonderful as Sonia’s and then Karen’s kitchens are (and they are fabulous), it felt so […]

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Chapati Party

15 April 2009

Our friends Ben and Jamie came over to make Chapati yesterday.  New York has been damp-and even what I would describe as dank-off and on for days, so a big warm plate of buttery chapati served with our favorite simple dhal sounded like the perfect lunch. Mama Jamie described her time in Asia and her […]

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Brigadeiros (Brazilian Chocolate Balls)

06 April 2009

We had a very special Birthday Boy in our class on Wednesday.  Mister Thomas turned 4!  Thomas and I go way back-we’ve known each other since he was in the womb, and I was teaching his mommy downward facing dogs.  Clearly we needed to have a good treat for him for such a huge occasion. […]

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