When I was a little girl, my mom would serve us pot de creme only once or twice a year, and we could not wait to have it. Her presentation was so elegant. We received our pots in lusterous ivory china demi-tasse cups and served with real silver demi-tasse spoons. I felt like a princess. […]
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About this time of year, when the world (at least in New York City) is a bit dark gray and dreary, we start to crave bright, pretty things. Things that will remind us that Spring and even Summer will come again one day. This is usually the time I head to the frozen food aisle […]
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Ok. Confession: I have been craving Indian food almost since the beginning of this pregnancy and totally bent our cooking class to my whims this week! Even in the throes of my worst morning sickness, Chicken Tikka Masala with a side of fresh spinach was one of the only things I could even consider eating. […]
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Happy New Year, Yummies! When we left New York City a couple of weeks ago to go visit my family in California, I planned on just taking a few days’ break from blogging. It seems that I was more exhausted than I even knew. The beginning of this pregnancy, with its extreme nausea, had taken […]
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When the mamas and the mini-chefs walked into our apartment this week, everyone looked a little exhausted. There was a cannon of coughs and sneezes and even yawns. It is the time of year when we get a little run down from too much partying, too many obligations (even when they are fun obligations), and […]
Read the rest of "Baked Pasta Shells in a Spinach and Chickpea Tomato Sauce (with dairy and dairy-free options)"…