You know how some women would see that their youngest was nearing 6 months of age and sign themselves up to run a marathon. They will train and run the extra pregnant and nursing weight off, and you’ll see them a few months later high fiving their baby at the finish line? Yeah, so not […]
Read the rest of "Meatless Monday Minestrone and Elsie Marley Children’s Sewing Week Challenge"…

For our last cooking class of the year a few weeks ago, we threw a smoothie party. My own children have shown me and my students have reiterated that you can add a bunch of very healthful things to a smoothie, add just the right amount of things they love, and they will slurp it […]
Read the rest of "Smoothie Party! and the Big Apple Smoothie"…

Happy Spring, Yummies! After a beautiful, warm Friday here in NYC, our weekend got progressively colder, and today it’s a cold, dark world out there. Now it’s pouring, and it’s in the 30’s/40’s. After dropping my son off at his play group this morning and splashing my way home, I was soaked to the bone. […]
Read the rest of "Spinach Salad with Edamame, Smoked Tofu, Tamari Almonds, and Soy-Ginger Dressing"…

This week our cooking class worked on a traditional Southern recipe, barbeque (usually baked) beans. Of course, we changed things up by leaving out the pork fat that’s normally used and balancing our barbeque sauce so that it is a bit tangy, not too spicy, and just generally delicious. One of my mini-chefs, O., has […]
Read the rest of "Tribeca Yummy Mummy Barbeque Sauce and Vegan BBQ Beans"…

Ok. Confession: I have been craving Indian food almost since the beginning of this pregnancy and totally bent our cooking class to my whims this week! Even in the throes of my worst morning sickness, Chicken Tikka Masala with a side of fresh spinach was one of the only things I could even consider eating. […]
Read the rest of "Potato and Kale Samosas"…