Last night, as we finished our last TYM class of the semester, my daughter rehearsed for her first performance ever. My husband accompanied Mira for her chorus’s sound check and rehearsal in the downtown park. As soon as I could leave things to my assistant, my son and I rushed into a taxi. We headed […]
Read the rest of "Rain"…Category: Uncategorized
One of the many, many things that I am thankful for this year? The joy and warmth of having little helpers has surpassed the need for perfection. Happy Thanksgiving, Yummies! A day and a dollar short Corner View, but better late than never! For a different perspective, take a tour around the world of these […]
Read the rest of "Preparations: A Change of Perspective"…When Mira and the original kids in my cooking class were three, I wanted to create a special recipe for them to make at Thanksgiving time that they could make and love year after year. After experimenting with different options, a special recipe for sweet potato casserole with coconut milk, beautiful caramelized pecans, and the […]
Read the rest of "Creating Traditions: Sweet Potato Casserole and a List of Fall Feast Favorites"…Joining in with Mama Amanda Soule, a.k.a. Soule Mama and her weekly picture show. In her words: “This Moment. A Friday ritual. A single photo- no words-capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor, and remember. “ Happy Weekend to You! American Yummies, are you […]
Read the rest of "This Moment"…Last night I had a dream that I was too balanced… and had therefore become unbalanced. Goodness, Autumn. You are schooling me. Thank goodness Anything Goes this week for Corner View, and I get to play catch up from last week! Follow along with the rest of the laissez-faire Corner Viewers: jane – ian – bonnie – joyce […]
Read the rest of "Autumn"…